Why does holding a book such that arm is bent at elbow cause left to ache and feel numb?
* Compression of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve is a major nerve that runs from the neck to the hand. It passes through a narrow tunnel, called the cubital tunnel, at the elbow. When the elbow is bent, the cubital tunnel can become compressed, which can put pressure on the ulnar nerve. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the left arm and hand.
* Muscle fatigue. Holding a book in a bent-elbow position can put strain on the muscles of the forearm and shoulder. This can lead to muscle fatigue, which can also cause pain and numbness in the arm.
* Poor circulation. When the elbow is bent, the blood flow to the arm can be restricted. This can cause the arm to feel cold and numb.
There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of pain and numbness in your left arm when holding a book:
* Keep your elbow straight. Avoid bending your elbow at a sharp angle. This will help to reduce the pressure on the cubital tunnel and the ulnar nerve.
* Take breaks. Every few minutes, take a break from holding the book and stretch your arm. This will help to keep the muscles from getting fatigued.
* Use a pillow or cushion. If you must hold a book in a bent-elbow position, place a pillow or cushion under your elbow. This will help to reduce the pressure on the cubital tunnel.
If you experience pain, numbness, or tingling in your left arm that does not go away after a few days, you should see a doctor.
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