What Can I Do to Stop Restless Legs Syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome is identified by continuous sensations in the lower legs that can cause you to be uncomfortable unless you move your legs. Sometimes the urge is so strong during sleep that a person must get out of bed and walk around. Other times, your legs kick involuntarily in the middle of the night. This can become uncomfortable for you and anyone sleeping next to you. Symptoms can get worse if you are stressed.
While there is no cure for restless legs syndrome, some home remedies can help you make it through the night--reducing stress and muscle relaxation are the most effective. Doctors recommend a routine of stretching, having a partner perform massages, taking a warm bath or rubbing lotion on the legs before bedtime.
Medicines used for other conditions sometimes can help with relaxation, which in turn can stop your restless legs. Doctors can prescribe small does of pramipexole or ropinirole, typically used to treat Parkinson's disease. Also, doctors can treat sleeplessness by prescribing tranquilizers such as clonazepam; however, the side effects of these are daytime drowsiness and an "out of it" feeling.
Sometimes iron deficiency can cause RLS and is easily taken care of with iron supplements.
The best way to prevent restless legs syndrome is by creating an environment where your legs can be stretched out and relaxed. If a job calls for sitting a lot, make sure to get up and stretch your legs at least once an hour. Take a walk around the office. If your job is very physically demanding on the legs, make sure to adequately stretch every muscle before and after a workout.
Scientists are examining RLS cases and conducting studies to determine a definitive cause in hopes of developing treatments and cures.