Advice for Restless Lower Back and Legs
There is no known cause for RLS, nor a known cure. RLS sufferers try to relieve symptoms with prescription drugs, homeopathic remedies and folk medicine, with varying degrees of success. A remedy that works for one sufferer may not work for others.
The most popular prescription remedies are Mirapex and Requip. Some users experience side effects, including dizziness and nausea. Long-time use can also result in augmentation---the need to take increasingly higher doses to relieve the RLS symptoms that may occur more often, start earlier and last longer.
RLS sufferers who prefer not to use prescriptions because of cost or potential side effects try such remedies as iron supplements, potassium, magnesium and calcium supplements, CoQ10, melatonin, ginkgo biloba, Doan's Pills, marijuana and homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body's own healing ability to relieve symptoms with fewer side effects than other medications. One such homeopathic remedy for RLS is Restless Legs Relief manufactured by MagniLife.
Other alternatives include acupuncture, massage and stretching exercises. When RLS symptoms disturb sleep, or the sleep of others, the sufferer may find relief by getting out of bed and attending---paying attention to something like TV, doing a puzzle, reading or performing a task.
While specific causes are unknown, certain activities are known to trigger RLS. Sitting for long periods in a plane or car can cause RLS symptoms to develop, particularly movements involving the lower back; walking up and down the aisle of a plane or getting out of the car as often as possible can help. Sitting for a long time in an office, theater or classroom can also be troublesome; walking around the office frequently or standing in the back of the classroom can provide relief.
Over-the-counter sleep remedies often have the exact opposite effect by triggering RLS. Antihistamine cold remedies can also lead to RLS symptoms.
Cutting down on or abstaining from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco could help reduce RLS problems.
Some RLS sufferers find that wearing pantyhose or suppression stockings helps relieve RLS symptoms. However, women who are subject to RLS back and leg symptoms should avoid wearing tight jeans or stretch pants, especially if they are going to be seated for a long time.