Foot & Leg Massage Therapy for Restless Leg Syndrome
Basic Massage
Massage involves rubbing the hands over the muscles of an area. It can be light or very deep depending on how tightly you squeeze the hands. By massaging the calves and feet, you will increase circulation and relax the nerves located in these areas. Start the massage at the widest section of calf muscle and work your way out with the thumbs pressing down and outward. Work on each calf for approximately five minutes. Then stretch the feet and rub in the arch to release stress going up the leg to reduce the overall effects of RLS.
Reflexology is more than basic massage. It refers to the acupressure-like points located on the feet that correlate to the various energy regions of the body. By stimulating these points, a person can release stress, relax muscles and reduce the tingling sensations of RLS. The arch of the foot and the ball of the foot where spots of tenderness exist indicate stress. Press down firmly with the thumb and hold those areas for 60 seconds each to release the stress.
Foot Bath
A foot bath of warm water with a cup of mineral salts is a good way to relax the feet and alleviate any stress or strain that may lead to RLS. Allow the feet to soak for about 10 minutes. For further benefit, you can massage the calves while the feet soak. This improves circulation while the salts in the bath help to pull any toxins from the feet and muscles.