Tips for Restless Leg Syndrome
Common Symptoms
Some of the symptoms of restless leg syndrome include a tingling or numbing sensation in the legs. This often occurs in the calves, but some sufferers also report the tingling in their thighs. The urge to move is another common symptom, with symptoms becoming worse in the evening. If you notice these symptoms, it's a good idea to speak to your health care provider so he or she can correctly diagnose the condition.
Treatment Options
If you have restless leg syndrome, you are probably searching for ways to deal with the bothersome symptoms. Begin by massaging your calves when you start to feel symptoms. A brisk walk might also help get the circulation moving through your legs and stop the symptoms. Try using an ice pack or a hot water bottle applied to the legs to find relief. Some over-the-counter sleep medications are also helpful for those with restless leg syndrome.
Preventing Symptoms
If you have restless leg syndrome at night, you can do a few things during the day to stave off some of the symptoms. Restless leg syndrome is made worse by caffeine, so don't drink any past 3 p.m. Regular exercise, focusing on the legs, can also help prevent the symptoms. Using compression stockings throughout the day can also help, as well as taking an iron supplement.