What Can Help Restless Legs Syndrome?
Valerian has been shown to help combat the symptoms of RLS. In one such study, 37 people with RLS were given 800mg of valerian a day and the results were promising: "The results of this study suggest that the use of 800 mg of valerian for 8 weeks improves symptoms of RLS and decreases daytime sleepiness in patients that report an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score of 10 or greater." (Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Mar/Apr 2009, N.G. Cuellar etal, Does Valerian Improve Sleepiness and Symptom Severity in People with Restless Leg Syndrome?)
The idea behind this form of massage therapy has been in existence for centuries, however it was Dwight Byers and Eusebia Messenger, who in the 1970s, founded the National Institute of Reflexology. Reflexology is a form of massage therapy which focuses on "reflex points" in the feet. These "reflex points" pertain to areas of the body. Reflexology is often used to help alleviate RLS since the sciatic nerve ends in heel area of the foot and the sciatic nerve effects the entire leg.
Magnesium is an important nutrient that is involved in hundreds of metabolic enzymes, including the communication of nerve signals in the brain and throughout the body as well as helping to relax the muscles. Supplementation with magnesium 250mg at night can help alleviate several of the symptoms associated with restless leg syndrome.
Acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms of restless leg syndrome by treating areas, or segments, in the spine which control the legs. Frequently the sciatic nerve is treated via acupuncture because it is a nerve that affects the whole leg.
Iron Supplementation
For those suffering with RLS, low-levels of iron in the blood have been shown to be a causative factor. Measuring the levels of the iron storage protein ferritin will indicate the stored levels of iron. If low iron levels are suspected, 200mg three times daily can provide significant results within two months.
Homeopathic Remedies
Zincum metallicum, or more commonly known as zinc, is used to suppress the sensation of tingling nerves and twitching muscles. Sulfur is recommended for those who experience a restless sensation in their legs. Causticum is frequently recommended for those experiencing aching symptoms in their legs as well, and Arsenicum album for accompanying trembling in the legs.