About Natural Treatments for RLS to Calm Legs
Increase your intake of iron. Many doctors first attempt to cure RLS by increasing a patient's daily iron intake by taking a supplement or by eating iron-rich foods. You may be given a blood test to assess your current iron levels. It may also take several weeks of tweaking your iron supplementation and dietary levels to see if a lack of iron is contributing to your RLS symptoms.
Abstain from Caffiene, Tobbaco and Alcohol
Remove caffeine, tobacco products and alcohol from your diet. These products are thought to affect patients' anxiety levels. RLS sufferers may have issues with stress that can exacerbate their RLS symptoms.
Chiropractic Treatment
Visit a chiropractor who can determine if your RLS is caused by a pelvic instability. X-rays and a general exam may determine if chiropractic visits have the potential to reduce or eliminate your RLS symptoms.
Accupuncture Therapy
Visit an acupuncturist to determine if needle therapy may help. An acupuncturist will evaluate your symptoms and determine if they warrant stimulation or calming of the nerves involved with your RLS.
Folic Acid Supplementation
Studies have shown that some RLS sufferers are lacking in folic acid. This is also a common genetic trait. If one of your parents had RLS, you have a higher chance of inheriting the syndrome. Your family doctor or endocrinologist may prescribe 30 mg to 70 mg of folic acid as treatment.
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