Potassium Deficiency & Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless legs syndrome is a disorder in which a person feels obvious leg discomfort while sitting or lying down. The syndrome is especially bothersome when it disrupts sleep. People stretch, jiggle their legs, pace, or walk to eliminate the sensations. Restless legs syndrome is more common in people middle-aged and older. Low potassium can contribute to similar symptoms, although it may not cause the actual syndrome as medically defined.-
According to the Mayo Clinic website, researchers suspect restless legs syndrome is caused by an imbalance of dopamine, a chemical that controls muscle movement.
The actual medical disorder called restless legs syndrome appears to have a genetic component, and so is probably not caused by potassium deficiency. About half the people diagnosed with restless legs syndrome have other family members with the disorder.
Potassium deficiency contributes to muscle spasms and twitches along with a general sensation of leg discomfort.
Potassium deficiency also can cause aching legs which feel better with activity. The symptoms can become worse during long periods of inactivity, such as sleeping.
Pain management physicians, such as Chicago-area doctor Ross Hauser, recommend taking 300 milligrams of potassium daily for restless legs syndrome or similar symptoms.