How to Calm Restless Legs
Things You'll Need
- Epson salts
- Bar soap
- Mentholated topical cream
Go ahead and dance. Restless Leg Syndrome may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, so add some chemicals. Exercise releases endorphins; endorphins promote feelings of relaxation and release stress; and relaxation can help you rest easier. Or, many have found that taking a short walk before bed can quiet the restless leg problem.
Cool down your feet. Soak them in cool water, especially if your feet are feeling hot and irritated. Add some epson salts to help relax and soothe them.
Take your vitamins. Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin E and folate can contribute to leg pain. Eat your dairy and plenty of leafy, green vegetables for optimum leg health.
Grab the soap. For some strange reason, some say that putting a bar of soap under the bottom sheet at the foot of the bed seems to calm restless legs. It may be the fact that your foot must rub across the soap or it may be a chemical in the soap. Whatever the reason, many RLS sufferers have tried this rural remedy and received great results.
Rub down your legs. Mentholated topical cream rubbed into the bottoms of the feet help keep feet cool and calm. The menthol in the rub also sinks in to give your feet a miniature muscle rub. The eucalyptus in the rub is an old-time remedy for arthritis and rheumatism pain, and increases blood flow to the feet.