How to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome Naturally
Avoid coffee, cola, black tea and energy drinks containing taurine, caffeine or chocolate. The stimulating properties of these foods and beverages cause restlessness and insomnia. Reduce alcohol consumption and reduce or eliminate smoking.
Take supplements to correct iron, folate and magnesium deficiencies. A quarter of RLS patients have low serum iron levels. Vitamin C and 400 IUs of Vitamin E daily day can curb instances of RLS. Try kava kava and valerian supplements, as they promote healthy sleep and calm nerves.
Draw a hot bath and use oatmeal, lavender or chamomile powders or salts to relieve stress. Massage restless legs before bedtime.
Check for underlying causes of RLS. Restless leg syndrome can be a symptom of another disorder. People who suffer from depression, hypertension, ADHD, gastro-reflux disease and diabetes suffer higher incidents of RLS.
Exercise. A moderate amount of exercise every day reduces stress and other conditions that contribute to RLS. Stretch throughout the day and take a brisk walk in the afternoon or before dinner.