Respiratory Indications of Mirapex
Direct Respiratory Side Effects
Some studies on Mirapex conclude that some respiratory issues may occur when using the drug. A study by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals states that patients reported feeling a general tightness in the chest when taking the drug. One common side effect of Mirapex is dyspnea, which is a shortness of breath, the study says. Rhinitis is another documented respiratory side effect, an inflammation of the nasal cavity which causes a surge in mucus production. This side effect may lead to nasal polyps if the condition worsens. The pharmaceutical study states Mirapex may cause a swelling in the throat, causing breathing issues, as well as hyperventilation and hiccups.
Though some patients in the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals study who use Mirapex caught pneumonia, the number of patients afflicted with pneumonia is very low. Outside influences can cause pneumonia, and a patient's respiratory system may be compromised due to side effects from Mirapex. In fact, the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals study reports that the common cold is more likely to occur as a result of Mirapex than pneumonia.
The Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals states that the central side effect of Mirapex is somnolence or sleepiness. As a result, a patient's breathing slows even as he is doing physical activities. A patient may experience drowsiness during the day, especially during exercise, eating and conversations. With a slower rate of breathing and the physical side effects accompanying Mirapex, a patient may experience a number of respiratory problems while sleeping. Some of the most common issues include sleep apnea and disruptive snoring.
Blood Pressure
Mirapex may lower blood pressure, according to the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals study. This may cause an abrupt respiratory attack, increased breathing or trouble breathing as a result.
According to the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals study, hallucinations occur in 9 percent of the patients with Parkinson's disease after taking Mirapex. As a result of the hallucinations, breathing can intensify in the patient depending on how threatening the hallucinations are.