Operation for Restless Leg Syndrome
Symptoms of RLS
The National Institutes of Health have identified four specific criteria that need to be satisfied for an individual to be diagnosed with RLS: uncomfortable leg sensations that are coupled with the impulse to move the legs; uncomfortable leg sensations that increase in severity at night; uncomfortable leg sensations that worsen during periods of rest; and uncomfortable legs sensations that are relieved at least temporarily by moving or standing. Some words that patients of RLS have used to describe these leg sensations include "burning," "aching," "creepy-crawly," and "itching."
Effects of RLS
The symptoms of RLS, while not serious in and of themselves, can severely interfere with an individual's ability to rest properly and cause chronic insomnia. The result is that patients who suffer from moderate to severe RLS symptoms also often notice the quality of their life deteriorates due to persistent fatigue. Common complaints include inability to perform daily tasks, compromised concentration, loss of short-term memory and reduced work quality.
Considerations of RLS
Currently, there is no cure for RLS available, and little is still known about the condition and what exactly causes it. Common treatments recommended for RLS include muscle relaxants, massage therapy, warm baths and peppermint oil. However, individuals who suffer from moderate to severe RLS find that their symptoms often persist in spite of available treatment, leading them to seek out a more serious remedy: surgery.
Surgerical Procedures for RLS
Some doctors have reported that patients with severe and uncontrollable RLS symptoms have asked for their legs to amputated to reduce their discomfort and return their life to normal. However, there are currently no surgical procedures available to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of RLS, and amputation or the removal of part of the legs is not used to handle the condition. Patients are encouraged to mix and match current treatment options under the supervision of their doctor to reduce their symptoms to a manageable level.
If you or someone you know suffers from Restless Legs Syndrome, it is important to address it as soon as possible. Though the symptoms may seem like they are harmless, they can seriously disrupt an individual's life and place her at risk for accidents with machinery, such as cars, due to chronic fatigue.