Ayurveda for Restless-Leg Syndrome
Ayurveda is an Indian holistic system of medicine which provides dietary guidance in order to maintain health and cure disease. In ayurvedic medicine, disease conditions are considered to be caused by an imbalance of one or more doshas. Since doshas are essentially energies, restoring the balance is the main focus.-
In ayurveda an individual is seen as a combination of five elements also present in nature. These are space, air, fire, water and earth. These elements are combined in each individual to form what is known as "dosha."
Types of Doshas
There are three main doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. According to ayurvedic tradition, disease is triggered when there is an imbalance in the doshas. In the case of restless leg syndrome the imbalance is in the vata dosha.
Vata-Pacifying Diet for Restless Leg Syndrome
Since vata dosha relates to the air element, its characteristics include dryness, coolness, roughness, lightness and constant motion. A vata-pacifying diet will help restless leg symptoms. Foods that are considered vata-pacyifying include stewed vegetables, pureed soups, cooked fruit, warm rice and wheat puddings, nut milks and warm milk.
Foods to Avoid
Foods that aggravate vata dosha should be avoided. This includes dry and cold foods such as dry cereals, cold milk, raw vegetables and ice cream. Nightshades such as tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes and red and green bell peppers, as well as spicy peppers such as chili and paprika should also be avoided.
Lifestyle Changes to Balance Vata
Certain lifestyle changes can also help certain symptoms of restless leg syndrome such as uncontrollable movements and shaking. Maintaining a regular routine is essential. This includes eating meals at regular intervals and establishing regular sleep routines. Eat in a peaceful atmosphere. Also, walk and meditate for at least 30 minutes a day to release nervous energy.