What Is Zero Negative Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Factor
Eighty percent of adults with RA test positive for the rheumatoid factor. The presence of RF does not conclusively diagnose a person. Her symptoms and medical history must be taken into consideration as well. X-rays may be used to see if the joint inflammation occurs on both sides of the body, an important deciding factor in the diagnosis of RA.
The disease is often mislabeled as "zero-negative," but the proper term is "sero-negative," meaning the rheumatoid factor is not present in the body's serum.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease with an undetermined cause, in which the body attacks its own cells and tissues. Movement can be restricted, and is usually very painful due to periodic inflammation of the joints.
There is no known cure for RA, but corticosteroids, NSAIDS, massage therapy and yoga can help improve the quality of daily life.
Famous Ties
Kathleen Turner and Lucille Ball both suffered from RA.