Special Diets for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Fruits and Vegetables
Some fruits will reduce inflammation, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Most fruits are full of vitamins and rich in antioxidants. Some of these are apples, plums, strawberries, red grapes and oranges. Spinach, peppers, beets and Brussels sprouts also can reduce inflamation.
Protein is necessary for everyone for growth and strength. People with RA need to keep their muscles strong. Legumes are an excellent source of protein without cholesterol and saturated fats. Black beans, lentils and peas make wonderful and nourishing soups.with added fresh vegetables. Cook skinless chicken breasts and lean meats when eating animal products. Cold-water fish and eggs are excellent choices with their high content of Omega-3 fatty acids. According to the Arthritis Foundation, cutting back on saturated and trans fats will help eliminate some of the painful symptoms.
Dairy Products
People with RA need larger amounts of calcium than the average person, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Milk, yogurt and cottage cheese have a lot of calcium content. Vegetables such as bok choy and broccoli as well as soy products are also rich in calcium. Many juices and cereals are fortified with calcium, as well.
Food Allergies
Certain foods are linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Being allergic to a food or groups of food means it causes some harm to your body. It is suggested on the website "Arthritis Today" to eat a diet similar to the "Stone Age" diet. This diet is made up of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Eliminating all processed and dairy foods has shown some promise in reducing RA symptoms. Try to eliminate one food item from your diet at a time, and you may find out which ones are causing you pain and stiffness.