What Are the Treatments for Rheumatic Disease?
Pain Relievers
Pain relievers such as acetaminophen are normally recommended for pain and inflammation caused by rheumatic diseases. For severe pain your doctor may prescribe Vicodin or other pain reliever for a short period of time as narcotics can be addictive. Rub topical analgesics over the affected areas to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofin are useful against pain and inflammation, but can upset your stomach.
Steroid Treatment
Corticosteroids such as prednisone or cortisone may be taken by mouth, applied as a cream or injected into the affected area. The method and dosage of this type of treatment will vary depending on how severe the pain is. Steroid use is for short-term treatment only because of serious side effects.
A medical device called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, also called a TENS unit, blocks pain signals sent to the brain. The unit has electrodes that are applied to the skin area where pain is located and electrical impulses are sent to nerves under the skin of the electrodes to help control pain.
Home Remedies
Apply hot and cold to alleviate joint pain. Apply a heating pad to the affected area to reduce stiffness. Cold packs reduce swelling and inflammation. Relaxing in a warm bath can sooth aching joints. Stretching exercises may improve flexibility.
Braces And Splints
Your doctor may recommend use of a brace or splint to either immobilize or restrict movement of the affected joint to allow it to heal. Your doctor or physical therapist will show you the proper way to wear the brace or splint as improper wear can cause more damage.
You may need surgery to repair damage or relieve pain associated with rheumatic diseases. In osteotomy a section of bone is removed to improve the joint's position. Bone fusion is a fusing together of two bones where a joint is formed. The bones are held together with screws until the bones form one unit. This restricts movement, but decreases pain in the affected joint. In arthroplasty the entire joint is removed and replaced with an artificial one such as knee or hip replacement surgery.
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