Symptoms of Rheumatology
Joint Pain
Joint pain is the most common symptom of Rheumatology. It consists of an aching pain in the joints along with a sharper pain when the joint is moved and used. It is often accompanied by swelling and puffiness in the joint as well. It can also be a stiff feeling in the joint that can make moving the area painful and difficult. Joint pain often occurs along with fever or warmth around the affected joint.
Fatigue is another common symptom of Rheumatology. Fatigue is a noticeable lack of energy. It can be classified as a feeling of weakness that hasn't been present before. Fatigue can be as simple as feeling a little weak and tired to a full blown feeling of extreme exhaustion. It can occur any time of day and continue for hours at a time.
It may also be experienced in conjunction with other symptoms.
Fevers are a common symptom of Rheumatology. Most patients report experiencing fevers most often during flare-ups of the disease. The fever can be centralized and felt only in areas of the body affected by the disease such as the joints and muscle areas. It may also be very generalized and felt in the entire body. It is most often a very low grade fever but can reach higher temperatures.
Weight loss
Sudden weight loss is occasionally seen as a symptom of Rheumatology. This is especially important if you have maintained a steady weight for a number of years. A sudden weight loss can also be a symptom of other diseases. It can be a loss of a few pounds or a more significant amount. Most often this type of weight loss will subside after the treatment program for Rheumatology is begun.
Rheumatoid nodules
Rheumatoid nodules are often seen in patients with Rheumatology. These nodules are solid, dense knots or lumps found under the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body but are usually felt over bony areas like elbows and knees. They will not cause pain in most patients but can exacerbate other problems with the Rheumatology. These knots are found in more progressed patients and can be of any size and are apt to change size as the disease progresses.