Homeopathic Cures for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bryonia is an anti-inflammatory used for extreme pain and is reputed to exceed the benefits of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).
Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendron is frequently used for rheumatic conditions and painful swelling of joints that are spread over a large area of the body.
Belladonna has been used for centuries to alleviate moderate to severe pain related to neuralgia, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.
Arnica montana
Arnica montana has been used for medicinal and first aid purposes for hundreds of years. Along with its anti-inflammatory properties, Arnica montana is frequently used today as the first remedy for shock, trauma or injury to the body.
Causticum is made from potassium hydrate and is often prescribed for those suffering from rheumatism and rheumatic symptoms.
Salicylicum Acidum (Salicylic Acid)
Salicylicum is useful for acute rheumatism, but it is also beneficial in helping to ease the pain of sciatica, vertigo and other joint pains.