Best Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis most often is diagnosed because of intractable pain in the joints. Further, there is often swelling and difficulty breathing. At times, there is difficulty determining the difference between rheumatoid arthritis and cerebral palsy.
The medication that is initially used is prednisone to get the inflammation of the joints down so that other treatments can be initiated. Prednisone is very effective. However, if it is continuously used, it can affect the immune system and cause damage to the lungs and internal organs.
While there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, the closest medication to a cure is methotrexate. This is the medication of choice and is successful in 99 percent of rheumatoid arthritis victims. At that point, the patient remains on methotrexate and only periodically takes prednisone when they have a flare up. A flare is when a person's symptoms reappear.
When methotrexate doesn't work because of a reaction, it can often be dangerous even leaving the person with less than a body saturation rate of 70 percent. When methotrxate does not work, two of the most popular and effective medications for rheumatoid arthritis are Embrel and Arava. These two drugs are a typical combination drug treatment. Arava is used to control inflammatory conditions and relieve pain. Embrel is called a biologic and also decreases pain.
Many people think that rheumatoid arthritis can be cured. However, the best that can happen is that it can be managed.
In addition to any medication taken for rheumatoid arthritis. it is important to continue to exercise and eat well because failure to do so will increase the rate at which your body deteriorates.