How to Identify Side Effects of Methotrexate

Methotrexate is a medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. In rheumatoid arthritis, once the initial treatment with high-level prednisone has taken place, methotrexate is the maintenance drug of choice.Rarely, however, a person can experience serious or fatal side effects.


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      Read the instructions about the drug when obtained from the pharmacy. Make notes about key side effects and place the notes and prescription in a highly visible place.Share the fact you have started this medication with someone who lives with you or sees you frequently and give them access to the information in case you would become incapacitated.

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      Watch for a reduction in rheumatoid arthritis symptoms such as inflammation and swelling. This is an indication that the drug is not causing a side effect and working as it should.

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      Watch for mouth sores. This is a mild sign that the drug may be affecting you in an adverse manner. Further, constant diarrhea may indicate a rare side effect.Make sure that the doctor is ordering frequent blood tests to check liver function.

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      Note that the major rare side effect that methotrexate causes is a problem with the lungs. It may present a number of ways but all have the same results, a decrease in oxygenation.

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      Be aware of drowsiness and lack of energy. Be aware that a side effect from methotrexate with regard can come on slowly so that you may not notice you are losing energy until irreversible damage has been done to your lung or worse, you have a heart attack or drop dead.

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      Keep a log. If during your writings you see a pattern of decreased vitality, call your doctor.If the doctor does not respond or you start feeling extremely bad, call an ambulance. Do not take a chance driving in your condition.

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