How to Obtain a Handicap Parking Pass
Check with your state Department of Motor Vehicles to find out your particular state's exact eligibility requirements for obtaining a handicap parking pass. Though the procedure for obtaining a handicap parking permit is similar between states, the exact details may vary.
Talk to your doctor. To apply for a handicap parking pass through your state Department of Motor Vehicles you will need a letter from your doctor certifying your medical disability. In some states, if you've lost a lower extremity, you can bypass the step of obtaining a doctor's certification by going directly to the DMV.
Fill out the necessary application for obtaining a handicap parking pass. Each state has its own application form that can be downloaded and printed from the state Department of Motor Vehicles website.
Pay the processing fee. Processing fees vary by state, and in some cases may be waived. The exact regulations regarding the application fees for applying for a handicap parking pass can be found on each state's Department of Motor Vehicles website.
Submit your completed application form, doctor's certification and processing fee. After mailing your application to the Department of Motor Vehicles for processing you can expect to receive your handicap parking pass within about two weeks.