The Benefits of Noni Juice for Rheumatism

Medical miracle or Polynesian snake oil? The scientific jury is still out on the benefits of noni juice, but thousands afflicted with rheumatism and other conditions offer testimonials of its healing effects. Available in health food stores and many supermarkets, noni juice contains antioxidants and vitamins.
  1. Rheumatism

    • Rheumatism is an overall term for a number of disorders, including bursitis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and types of arthritis. These disorders are characterized by inflammation and degeneration of the joints and/or connective tissues, with associated pain and stiffness and motion limitation. With aging, such conditions become more common. The literature on noni juice is full of testimonials stating that rheumatism was cured or improved after regular noni juice consumption.

    Noni Juice

    • Noni juice is made from the fruit of the morinda plant, also called the noni. The tropical evergreen, which can grow to a height of 10 feet, is found in Tahiti, among other places. The product is often referred to as Tahitian Noni Juice, but the plant is also found in Asia, Australia, the Caribbean Islands and South America. It produces a potato-like fruit which is yellow or white when ripe. Virtually all parts of the plant are used in herbal medicines that Pacific Islanders developed. In its various forms, it is used to treat wounds, abscesses, broken bones, diabetes, intestinal worms, menstrual cramps and other problems. Research at a French university demonstrated that noni has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. While side effects are few, noni juice does contain a large amount of potassium and there have been reports of a few individuals with liver issues after regularly drinking the juice.


    • Rheumatism is just one of many ailments noni juice consumption purportedly helps. While a great deal of anecdotal evidence supports the claims of noni juice adherents, no scientific studies confirm these testimonials. Noni juice proponents also claim it helps high blood pressure, HIV, cancer, allergies, infection and a host of other diseases. Animal studies show some positive effects from noni juice, according to the American Cancer Society, but human studies have just begun.

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