Diets for RA
It is recommended that those who have RA should drink plenty of healthy liquids, such as 1.5 liters of water daily, best before and after meals. Fruit and vegetable juices may be diluted with filtered or spring water. Herbal tea such as rooibos and hot water with fresh lemon juice is cleansing and a good alternative to regular tea.
Whole Foods and Grains
Whole, healthy foods are recommended for RA patients, such as fresh vegetables and fruits in season. Eating foods that are either raw of lightly steamed is desired over prepackaged food. The recommended portions include 2 vegetables and 4 to 5 pieces of fruit daily. Dried fruits can be convenient, healthy snacks.
Raw nuts, cereals, whole grain bread, flour and brown rice are preferred over those made with bleached white flour and products. Beans and lentils can provide good sources of dietary fiber.
Lean poultry, sea fish and eggs are preferable to farmed fish in two portions a day and has been found to be sufficient and beneficial for those afflicted with RA.
Fats and Oils
Virgin olive and cold pressed oils are best for cooking and in salad. Tahini and nut spreads are good alternatives to fatty dressings and butter.
Vitamin and Herb Supplements
It is recommended that people with RA pay special attention to ingesting enough vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium (which has anti-inflammatory properties), since people with rheumatoid arthritis have been found to be low in these nutrients, according to the Mother Nature website. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered to be an anti-inflammatory and healthy fat. Before incorporating any vitamins, however, consult a doctor, dietitian or nurse to ensure that certain products will not cause problems or interact with any medications you are currently taking.
Foods to Avoid
According to the WebMD, foods that are high in saturated fats, such as bacon, red meat, cream, margarine and butter, can increase the pro-inflammatory chemicals that cause discomfort in RA and thus, increase pain and swelling of joints. In addition, bran is not recommended, as it can be a bowel irritant. Caffeine in tea, coffee and other foods should be avoided as much as possible.