What Is Ankle Tendonitis?
Ankle tendonitis is not to be confused with Achilles tendonitis, which affects a different tendon entirely. The posterior tibial tendon is located under the knob of the ankle and is responsible for lifting the foot's arch.
While simple aging and genetic defects can cause ankle tendonitis, most often the cause is stress on the posterior tibialis tendon. This tends to happen due to involvement in sports that require a large amount of stopping and starting, such as football, basketball, baseball and tennis.
Those with ankle tendonitis will often feel pain in the ankle, which will get worse during strenuous activity like sports or exercise. Stiffness and swelling may develop, with pain any time the ankle is bent.
To treat ankle tendonitis, cease doing whatever is causing the condition and apply the R.I.C.E. method of treatment (rest, ice, compression, elevation). If there is inflammation, take medicine to counteract it. If the tendonitis is severe, you may need to take steroid injections or undergo surgery. To continue the activity that caused it, you will have to ease back into it gradually.
To prevent ankle tendonitis, do 10 minutes of warm-up before engaging in strenuous activity. Wear wearing proper shoes, and avoid practicing on uneven ground. Know your limits and don't overexert your body.