Back Decompression Treatment
Decompression Explained
Dr. Rob Gottesman, a Colorado Springs chiropractor, states that decompression therapy creates a space between the discs (jelly-like substance in between vertebrae) through negative pressure. Vacuum-like pressure sucks the disc back into the vertebral column and relieve pressure on spinal nerves.
Back decompression may help a bulging or herniated disc in the middle or low back. According to the Fort Wayne Neurological Center, decompression is not just about relieving symptoms but also aimed at treating the underlying condition causing back issues.
Pain in the low back, sciatica, bulging or herniated disks, degenerative disk disease, spinal stenosis and more can be benefited by spinal decompression according to the Fort Wayne Neurological Center.
Those who are pregnant, suffering from heart disease, have metal spinal implants, obesity, tumors, back fracture, nerve damage and osteoporosis should probably avoid decompression therapy according to American Spinal.
Other Considerations
Before you consider back decompression find out the costs, if your insurance will cover it, who performs the therapy in your area and what equipment will be used. Do some investigation and cost comparison before deciding if it is the right treatment for you.