How to Improve Posture for Scoliosis
Things You'll Need
- Low-profile brace
Wear a low-profile brace. A brace is a non-invasive way to gradually adjust spinal curvature, effective during the spine's development. After a certain age--approximately 16 for girls, 17 for boys--the skeleton is fully matured and a brace will have no effect. Wear your low-profile brace, or thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO), under your clothing every day. The brace is created specifically for your spine's curvature, placing steady pressure on the spine to correct your scoliosis.
Practice yoga. Yoga is great for strengthening the back and leg muscles, improving posture for scoliosis patients. Certain yoga positions are particularly effective at correcting scoliosis, stretching and strengthening the trapezius muscles in the back, the paraspinal muscles that run alongside the spine, and the hip flexors. Talk to a certified yoga instructor before beginning a training regimen; unsupervised stretching may exacerbate your condition or lead to injury.
Exercise regularly. Exercise will increase your mobility, flexibility and strength. By strengthening your back and leg muscles, you place less strain on your spine. Heavy lifting or strenuous exercise can also injure the spine, so take great care in choosing a safe exercise regimen. Talk to a physical therapist about exercise routines that will strengthen your back muscles and gently correct your posture.
Receive chiropractic manipulation. Chiropractic techniques can be effective in correcting mild scoliosis through regular visits and therapy. Visit a trained chiropractor, who will apply steady pressure to your spine with his hands in order to gently correct the spinal curvature.
Undergo spinal fusion surgery. This treatment option should only be considered as a last resort for severe cases of scoliosis. In this surgery, the surgeon fuses together several vertebrae and installs metal rods to hold the new shape of the spine. These rods are necessary for a few months after the surgery while the newly-fused spine heals; although they become unnecessary, the rods are left inside to avoid further complications. You will not be able to feel or see these surgical implants. Surgery is a drastic but highly effective way to correct the posture of scoliosis patients.