How is your skeletal system divided?
- Axial skeleton: This part includes the bones of the head, neck, and trunk. It protects the brain, spinal cord, and other vital organs.
- Appendicular skeleton: This part includes the bones of the limbs and their associated structures. It provides support and allows for movement.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the skeletal system:
Axial Skeleton:
- Skull: The skull is made up of 22 bones that protect the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
- Vertebrae: The vertebrae are the individual bones that make up the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in total, divided into five regions: cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (5), and coccygeal (4).
- Ribs: The ribs are 12 pairs of bones that form the rib cage. They protect the heart, lungs, and other thoracic organs.
-Sternum: The sternum is a flat bone that connects the ribs in the front of the chest.
Appendicular Skeleton:
- Shoulder girdle: The shoulder girdle is made up of the clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade). It connects the arm to the torso.
- Upper limb: The bones of the upper limb are the humerus (upper arm bone), ulna and radius (forearm bones), and the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges (hand bones).
- Pelvic girdle: The pelvic girdle is made up of the hip bones (coxal bones), which are formed by the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis. It connects the legs to the torso.
- Lower limb: The bones of the lower limb are the femur (thigh bone), tibia and fibula (leg bones), and the tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges (foot bones).
The skeletal system is a complex and dynamic system that provides support, protection, and movement for the body. It also stores minerals, produces blood cells, and plays a role in hormone regulation.