Exercises for Adults With Slight Curvature of the Spine
Wall Push
Consider yoga stretching to correct slight spinal curvatures. According to information from the spinal health site CTDS.info, yoga is an accepted treatment method for all types of scoliosis. The most basic yoga stretch that you can perform to stretch and correct the muscles of the back is to stand facing a wall and lean forward so that your body is bent at a 90 degree angle. Place your hands on the wall, keeping your arms straight (backing away from the wall if needed to give yourself more room) and push against the wall as hard as you can, lengthening and straightening your spine in the process. Hold for five to 10 seconds and repeat two or three times.
Sink Stretch
Another simple back stretch to perform is the sink stretch, which is roughly the opposite of the wall push. Stand facing a countertop or other waist-high object that you can grab onto. Lean forward at the waist while holding the countertop. Brace your feet and pull backward, attempting to keep your torso as straight as possible throughout, lengthening and stretching the spine. Hold for five to 10 seconds and repeat another two or three times to achieve a full range of motion.
Pelvic Tilts
Perform pelvic tilts to further realign your spine. Get down on the ground on all fours. Brace your abdominals and begin the movement by arching your back upward as high as you are able while breathing in slowly. Exhale, allowing your spine and abdomen to sag downward as far as possible. Alternate between arching and sagging your spine with your breathing, continuing for 10 to 20 breaths. Keep the rest of your body immobile throughout, attempting to move only at the spine itself.