Sciatic Joint Pain
Sciatica presents itself in the form of lower back and leg pain. The pain may be accompanied by numbness, muscular weakness or tingling. Difficulty controlling the leg is not uncommon. Symptoms are typically, solely, present on a singly effected side.
Any sort of irritation or compression of the nerve or its roots causes sciatic joint pain. Pregnancy, bad habits, muscle spasms, or hernia can cause sciatic joint pain as well.
Sitting, lying on your back, lifting your legs, squatting, tip toeing, and sitting on your feet can trigger sciatic joint pain.
Sciatica itself is not a disorder, it is a symptom of another medical condition like a herniated disc. That condition must be treated in order to find sciatic joint pain relief
Physical examination and medical history are the primary indicators of sciatica. The use of X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or electromyogram is common for further investigation.