How to Treat Hip Effusion
These effusions could affect any joint, including the hip.
Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other steroidal drugs to reduce pain and increase mobilty. A few of these are non-prescription drugs while others require a prescription from your doctor.
Apply heat and cold packs for aditional comfort and relief from pain in the affected area.
Have non-steroidal and anti-inflamatory drugs injected directly to the joint. Your physician may prescribe this option.
Have the excess fluid removed from the joint by a needle. This also may be considred by your physician. This is a surgical procedure known as aspiration and is useful in controlling the accumlation of synovial fluid at the joint.
Consider taking in over-the-counter pain medications and getting sufficient bed rest at home. More often than not, this home care treatment could help relieve the pain. If the pain persists longer, be sure to inform your doctor.