Home Remedies for Knee Swelling
The primary advice you will get if you have a swollen knee injury is RICE, which stands for "rest, ice, compression and elevation." If your knee is swollen due to exercise, sports or just a bad knock or fall, ice is the key to reducing the swelling. If you use a bag of ice, apply it to the knee for 20 minutes four to eight times per day.If you use a gel pack, only apply it for ten minutes. Do not use ice if you have Raynaud's Syndrome, diabetes or a circulation disorder.
Rest and elevation
Stay off your knee as much as possible. If you do have to walk on it, try not to put all of your weight on it. If necessary, get a cane. When laying down, prop your lower leg up with pillows so your knee is 12 inches above your heart. Get an elastic bandage and wrap your knee, but not so tightly that you cut off the circulation. If your toes start tingling, it is too tight.
Arnica and anti-inflammatories
Arnica ointment, which can be purchased at drug stores, will help reduce the swelling, and bruising if there is any. Consult a physician if you are on medication before using Arnica. Unless told otherwise by a physician, aspirin and ibuprofen can also help to reduce swelling. Follow the directions on the bottle.