Chiropractic Care for Children
Chiropractors can help your child grow to her best.
According to the Washington Times website, "since 1991, according to survey data released by the American Chiropractic Association, the number of chiropractic patients 16 years of age and younger rose 8.5 percent." This information makes chiropractic care the most frequent form of unconventional medicine performed on children.
When labor begins, the uterus muscles begin to carry the baby down through the pelvis. This process can last for hours. According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association-Research Foundation, many mothers have their babies seen by a chiropractor after birth to correct any misalignment due to the process of being pushed through the birth canal.
Baby Issues
Once you bring your baby home from the hospital, you may begin to experience some common issues. According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association-Research Foundation, the "resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment can be the cause of many newborn health complaints." These complaints range from colic, breathing issues, difficulty nursing, sleep troubles, persistent infections and allergic reactions. These issues can usually be traced back to nerve system strain.
Growing Babies
As your baby grows, she will begin doing all kinds of tricks from holding her head up to rolling over and then sitting up. As your child passes these milestones, her spinal maturity is susceptible to damage. If these injuries happen, her spinal alignment can be negatively affected. Therefore, these are very significant times to have your baby evaluated by a chiropractor, according to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association-Research Foundation.
As your baby develops into a child, you may begin to notice that she gets hurt more often. She may join sports or other activities which may lead to considerable spinal misalignment. Injuries are the number one reason why parents take their children to a chiropractor, according to If these injuries are not corrected, your child may experience serious neck and back problems in the future.