The Side Effects of Seed Implants & Radiation
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is cancer of the walnut-shaped gland that makes seminal fluid. This is a common cancer in men.
External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)
This prostate cancer treatment involves an external radiation beam to kill the cancer cells. The treatment is successful at killing cancer cells but it also can damage nearby healthy cells.
Side Effects of EBRT
Known side effects include urinary problems, such as an urgent need to urinate or frequent need to urinate; loose or uncomfortable bowel movements; and rectal bleeding. Sexual side effects are possible.
Radioactive Seed Implants
Radioactive seed implants, known as permanent brachytherapy, deliver higher levels of radiation over a longer period of time to the infected area. A physician implants 40 to 100 seeds. Radioactivity gradually lessens over time until it is gone.
Temporary Brachytherapy
With temporary brachytherapy, radioactive matter is inserted near the tumor for a specified time and then removed. There are two types of temporary brachytherapy doses: low-dose rate (LDR) and high-dose rate (HDR).
Side Effects of Radioactive Seed Implants
Side effects are minimal but include urinary problems, such as a frequent need to urinate, slow urination and burning urination; and loose or uncomfortable bowel movements. Erectile dysfunction can be a side effect.