Exercises for Relieving Sciatica
Lower Back Stretching
One exercise to stretch the lower back to ease sciatica is the pelvic tilt. Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, tense and tighten your buttocks and abs and flatten the small of your back to the floor. Hold this pose for a count of five and repeat up to 15 times.
Another good stretching exercise is the basic twist. Lying on your back, stretch your arms out to the sides. Raise your knees to your chest and take a deep breath. While exhaling, slowly lower your knees to the right as close to the floor as possible. Slowly bring knees back to chest and repeat on the left side. Repeat five times.
Gluteal Muscle Stretching
The gluteal muscles, which are located in the buttock area, are directly affected by sciatica. Stretching these muscles will help to ease pain of sciatica. One way to exercise this muscle is to lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Grab your left leg behind the knee or thigh and pull your knee toward your left shoulder. Hold for five counts, then switch sides. Repeat five times.
Or you can sit on a chair and put your right ankle just above your left knee, then lean forward. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
Back Stretching
General back stretching exercises are also very helpful in easing sciatica pain and most are very simple.
One exercise that is commonly called the cat consists of getting on all fours, then inhaling while bringing your head back to look at the ceiling and dropping your stomach toward the floor. While exhaling, bring your stomach back in and drop your head down, tucking your chin and your tailbone in. Your back should be rounded. Repeat, pausing each time, for five times.
The cobra is laying flat on the floor with your forehead on the ground. Your arms should be bent with your palms on the floor underneath your shoulders. While pushing down with your arms, raise your upper torso and arch your back. Hold this pose for three slow breaths and release slowly.
Another option is to stand straight with knees bent and extend arms forward level with your shoulders. Interlace your fingers and turn your palms out then stretch arms forward until you feel stretching in your back. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds then release.