Chiropractor Kyphosis Treatment
Treatment for Kyphosis
Treatment for kyphosis will depend on age and severity of the hunching. If caught early, nonsurgical treatment may include exercises to help stretch and maintain flexibility and range of motion and anti-inflammatory medications that may help reduce pain and discomfort. In some cases of young individuals, a back brace may be beneficial. The child or young adult will wear the brace until the skeleton stops growing.
Treatment of kyphosis through physical therapy and exercise often help reduce the severity of bowing of the spine, as well as improve balance and function of the lungs and nervous system. While some cases are so severe that a cure or return to former normal function is impossible, chiropractic treatment may prevent the condition and deformity from growing worse.
Manipulation of the spinal vertebrae as well as flexion exercises are often utilized by a chiropractor to maximize the mobility of the spine. Such exercise, which should only be performed by a trained chiropractor may also help reduce muscular tension and minimize inflammation. Specific spinal manipulation involves gentle thrusting techniques that helps stimulate the nervous system and stretch muscles. The flexion-distraction method or technique a hands on procedure that offers gentle pressure on vertebral discs. Instrument-assisted manipulation is performed using a hand-held instrument that allows the chiropractor to apply uniform and gentle force when performing joint stretching and resistance techniques.