Information on Scoliosis
According to the Mayo Clinic, signs and symptoms of scoliosis can include uneven shoulders, one shoulder appearing more prominent than the other, an uneven waist, one hip being higher than the other, leaning to one side, and fatigue. A symptom of severe scoliosis can be ribs appearing more prominent on one side of the abdomen.
Doctors and scientists don't know what causes scoliosis in its most common form. When a cause for scoliosis cannot be determined, it is classified as idiopathic. However, sometimes a cause for scoliosis can be determined. Possible causes of scoliosis include neuromuscular diseases, leg-length discrepancies at birth and problems during the development of the fetus. Congenital scoliosis affects the development of the spine and can often result in scoliosis as well as other problems, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Risk Factors
Scoliosis is usually noticed most often among adolescents during their period of growth. Girls are also much more likely to get severe scoliosis than boys are. If a child is diagnosed with scoliosis at an earlier age, the chance of their scoliosis worsening significantly increases. Problems in the middle and lower spine are not as likely to get worse as curves are in the upper spine. Congenital scoliosis is also much more likely to worsen than scoliosis diagnosed after birth according to the Mayo Clinic.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, some people do not need treatment for scoliosis at all. If treatment is in fact required, surgical procedures and braces are sometimes used to treat scoliosis. Doctors will usually require treatment for a scoliosis when the curvature of the spine passes 25 degrees. Surgery is generally used for patients with a curve of over 50 degrees. If a patients curve is between 25 and 40 degrees then a brace will be given to the patient.
There are several different levels of severity for scoliosis according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Mild scoliosis is considered to be less than 20 degrees and only requires monitoring without treatment. Moderate scoliosis falls between 25 and 75 degrees and may or may not require treatment. Sever scoliosis is when there is a curve that's greater than 75 degrees and can reduce oxygen levels, press against the lungs, and cause heart problems. Severe scoliosis almost always requires treatment. Very severe scoliosis is when the curve is greater than 100 degrees, which can severely damage the heart and lungs.