Signs & Symptoms of Paget's Disease
Bone Symptoms
Paget's disease is most commonly felt in the bones, and each person's experience will differ. The most common symptom is a pain in the bones that can sometimes be constant and deep-seated. Some people find their most severe cases of pain occur at night, and it is possible for the pain to be so severe that it will wake people from a sound sleep. The bones that are most commonly affected by Paget's disease are the spine, the hips, the skull and the collar bone.
Sensory Symptoms
Some of the more common sensory symptoms of Paget's disease are chronic and painful headaches. These headaches can be accompanied by blurred vision, a loss of vision, or possibly a loss of hearing as well.
Nerve Symptoms
One of the symptoms of Paget's disease are enlarged bones. When bones in the spine enlarge, they begin to put pressure on the nerves around them. The exact location of the pain will depend on which bone is enlarging in the spine. You might experience pain radiating down one or both legs, which is pain that is generated by a pinched sciatic nerve. You might begin to experience a tingling sensation in any of your extremities, and this could be followed by a numbness and loss of use of the extremity if the condition is not treated.
Because Paget's disease can cause excessive bone growth, the extra bone mass can sometimes put added pressure on the ligaments and muscles in the joints. This can cause painful bouts of arthritis to appear in any of the affected areas, and this is signified by a painful swelling or stiffness in the joints.
Paget's disease can create painful and even dangerous, symptoms, such as the enlarging of the spine or the enlarging of the skull. But it is important to note that Paget's disease does not spread from one bone to another. Whatever bones it strikes initially are the only bones that it will affect. That is why it is important to get tested for Paget's disease as soon as any of the symptoms begin to show to stop the condition before it causes serious damage.