Treatments for Bulging Discs
Treating Bulging Discs
Visit a doctor or chiropractor for an assessment, which might include an X-ray or MRI exam; your doctor can also offer some helpful options for treatment. Likewise, a physical therapist can help with exercises that strengthen your back without aggravating the affected area. A physical therapist can also try traction with you--pulling the vertebrae so that you get fresh, healing blood flow into the bulging disc. Your doctor might also recommend anti-inflammatory medications or an injection to soothe the pain.
Getting a regular massage can also be very healing, increasing blood flow to the aching area. Likewise, both cold compresses and hot packs can be useful. Sometimes your doctor might recommend bed rest, but if this is not the case, try to maintain some light exercise, such as yoga, swimming or walking.
Finally, as a very last resort, your doctor might discuss the possibility of surgery with you, although you should exhaust all other options first--most cases of bulging discs do not require surgery.
Preventing Bulging Discs
Prevent bulging discs from happening in the first place by making sure that you get some regular exercise--even walking and some light weight-lifting will make a big difference--and include stretching and twisting for the spine so that it regularly moves through a comfortable and full range of motion. You should also make sure that your work station is a good ergonomic fit and that you are not placing any unnecessary strain on your body--same thing with your car. Finally, be sure to use good body mechanics when you bend down to lift anything, whether it is a heavy object, child or a sack of groceries.
Feeling Good
Taking care of yourself and making a few simple lifestyle adjustments can make a tremendous difference if you have bulging discs or back pain. Take the time to talk to your doctor and determine a manageable plan for your long-term back health.