What Is Proper Posture?
Proper posture is when the skull is evenly stacked above the mid-line of the shoulders. Were someone to stand next to a wall and an imaginary plumb line be drawn, that line would show the head squarely on top of the spine, shoulders over the chest, chest over the hips, hips over the knees, and knees over the ankles.
Proper posture occurs when there is no pain or discomfort in the spine such as neck or low back pain from slouching or other bad habits. Proper posture allows the head to be supported comfortably on the spine. The three spinal curves, cervical (neck), upper-mid thoracic and lumbar (low back) are sustained. These curves act as shock absorbers.
Strictly speaking, proper posture means a tall spine with the three spinal curves intact. Examples of poor posture include Dowager's hump, an obvious hunchback. Kyphosis is another term for this. Swapback or lordosis is a very exaggerated, arched lower back. Each of these conditions can be painful.
Proper posture allows the spinal fluid to travel up and down the spine evenly, and motor impulses for movement are easily relayed to the muscles. When the spine is healthy, there is no compression in the vertrabrae that creates pain. Proper posture ensures the lungs can fully expand and contract and the internal organs are in a normal position, not crowded or asymmetrical.
There is a misconception that a ramrod straight posture is correct. The opposite is true: a flattened, straight spine creates tension and pain in the neck, jaw, upper and lower back. One example of this is a military stance. However, even these people do not work in a military stance, protecting the natural curves in the spine. A healthy spine has curves, has extension (height) and allows ease of movement without any pain.