Non-Invasive Scoliosis Treatment Options
According to physician Paul McAfee at the Spine Health website, bracing is the only non-operative treatment recommended by the conventional medical community. However, bracing only works for a skeleton which is still growing. Although it is non-invasive, it does not always work, and many children find it embarrassing and difficult.
An approach originating in Russia called ASCO uses isometric and stretching exercises, vibration, spinal manipulation, massage, nutritional therapy and electrical muscle stimulation.
Strengthening Equipment
Using specific equipment such as a torso rotation machine to strengthen related muscles is another option. A 2003 California study of this technique showed 16 of 20 people experiencing spinal curve reduction with no progression of the disorder.
Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation are possibilities. Osteopaths are medical doctors, while chiropractic doctors often work more with alternative techniques.
Exercise and Movement
The Alexander Technique, Pilates, yoga and rehablitation treatment all focus on exercise and movement, some to change motion in daily activities, and some to strengthen the spine.