How to Look Better with Scoliosis
Consult with an orthopedic doctor on the particular exercises you should incorporate into your life.The younger you are when you start scoliosis therapy, the better the outcome.
Try the following routine to help your posture instantly, known informally as the invisible chair exercise. Stand about 12 to 18 inches away from a wall, lean back with your buttocks touching the wall and your palms flat against the wall, keeping your feet stationary.
Slide down the wall into a mock chair-sitting position. Keep your head, back and shoulders pressed against the wall while your feet remain parallel to your knees. Hold for a count of five to ten seconds and slide back to the original position. Repeat five to ten times.
Strengthen your abdominal muscles with regular exercise as these muscles are crucial in supporting the back properly. For fast improvement, walk and sit with your abs tightened. This also tilts the pelvis in and consequently minimizes the appearance of lordosis or swayback, also seen with scoliosis. For extra measure, tighten the buttock muscles simultaneously.
Work slumped shoulders, a common problem with scoliosis, by clasping your hands behind your neck or head and drawing your elbows back as far as you can. Hold for a few seconds,then, keeping hands clasped, draw your elbows together in front of your nose, touch together if possible. Repeat five to fifteen times.
Wear clothes that will minimize the appearance of scoliosis and rounded shoulders. Pay attention to shoulder seams, avoiding those that hang off of the shoulder. Women should wear good support bras to not only look better but to reduce the strain on the back. Also, avoid shirts that are too thin or too tight.
Find shoes that will provide comfort and promote good back alignment. Some scoliosis patients feel they look better when wearing a modest size heeled shoe as it promotes a sense of posture consciousness, aligns the body and increases height. Avoid shoes that promote back problems, including those without proper arch support.