How to Prevent Dermatomyositis
Eliminate infections by bacteria, parasites or viruses. Inflammatory myopathies are suspected of being autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks the body. However, the preceding infection is rarely identified in the case of dermatomyositis.
Reduce the level of auto-antibodies in the blood. These inflammatory cells surround blood vessels, which are especially vulnerable to an autoimmune attack. This eventually leads to the degeneration of muscle fibers.
Take corticosteroids internally, especially prednisone. These medications may be given to suppress the immune system by reducing the production of antibodies that can reduce the chances of muscle and skin inflammation. Take mmunosuppressants such as azathioprine or methotrexate by themselves or with corticosteroids if you do not respond to corticosteroids alone.
Protect your skin. Take topical corticosteroids to prevent skin disorders caused by dermatomyositis. Use sunscreens and other protective measures to minimize the symptoms caused by the sun and other sources of ultraviolet radiation.
Undergo physical therapy. This is usually recommended to prevent muscular atrophy or even regain muscle strength and range of motion. Children with dermatomyositis could need surgery to eliminate the calcium deposits that may occur.