How to Get Tested for a Bone Tumor
Take a blood test. Bone tumors are often accompanied by increased levels of certain proteins in the blood. A blood test will only tell you if your protein levels have risen. While this strongly indicates the presence of a bone tumor, you will need other tests for confirmation.
Have an X-ray. This will tell your doctors where to find the bone tumor. It will show up as a ragged spot or a hole in the bone.
Get a Computed Tomography (CT) scan. This scan is similar to an X-ray but it rotates around your body to give doctors a better look at the bone tumor. After one scan, doctors will give you an injection of contrast dye to outline the parts of your body.
Prepare for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans. Doctors agree this is the best test for outlining a bone tumor. However, MRIs can be long and uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor if you're claustrophobic since you'll be inside a tube. Ask if the doctor has access to an open MRI.
Undergo biopsy. If any of these tests are positive for a bone tumor, your doctors will do a biopsy. This will tell them exactly what they're dealing with so they can determine how agressively they should treat the condition.
Scan it. If you have one bone tumor, doctors may do a Radionuclide Bone Scan. This scan will tell doctors if the cancer has metastasized to other areas of the skeleton. But this scan can be skewed by some conditions, such as arthritis. For a more accurate read, you doctor may combine a bone scan with other imaging tests.