How to Care for a Loved One With Scoliosis

Living with scoliosis can be very difficult, and the same can be said for those who care for them. Scoliosis can be particularly hard for children to deal with, especially since wearing a brace is often required. This can make a child's life both physically and mentally much more challenging. It is important for those who care for a loved one to remain sensitive and compassionate throughout the entire process.


  1. Care for a Loved One

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      Be informed. One of the best ways to care for a loved one is to know what they are up against. Learn about the disease and understand how it can affect them, so that you can understand how you can be most helpful to them. Go to the doctor with them so that you can learn alongside them.

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      Encourage your loved one to exercise regularly. Although this may be difficult or they may not want to, strengthening the area can only help. Join in and perform the exercises with them, since this will be encouraging and make it more fun.

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      Find a scoliosis clinic in your community. If you can take your loved one to a resource center such as this, it may help them feel more at ease with their condition. By being around other people with the same problem, they may feel less socially awkward.

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      Schedule regular doctor visits, if recommended. Make sure that your loved one is making it to all of their doctor appointments because tracking the condition is very important. Especially when dealing with scoliosis in children, regular doctor appointments are important since growth spurts can increase the rate of scoliosis progression. Your doctor will tell you how often to schedule appointments.

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      Sympathize with your loved one. Although it may be difficult at times, try to remain optimistic and sensitive to their condition. Understand that quite often this can be both a physically and mentally crippling disease. Scoliosis cannot be prevented and the cause is often unknown, so your loved one did not bring this upon themselves.

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