How to Live With Scoliosis
Make regular visits to your doctor to make living with scoliosis easier in the long run. This is key, since early detection and careful follow-up visits can prevent scoliosis from getting worse, especially in the case of idiopathic scoliosis.
Perform regular back exercises. Keeping the back as strong and healthy as possible will reduce risk to the area and may reduce the chances of back pain. This will help in the overall quality of life.
Wear a brace. This may be suggested by your child's doctor to stop the curvature of the spine from progressing. This can make life more difficult for your child, especially socially, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort. The brace is usually worn until the child has finished growing.
Visit a scoliosis clinic. This may provide a beneficial environment for someone with scoliosis, especially for a child that has to wear a brace. Getting to spend some time with other children that are going through the same types of problems can be extremely comforting.
Get the right medication. Certain drugs may be prescribed to a patient with scoliosis, especially if the scoliosis is a severe case and the patient is an adult dealing with significant amounts of back pain. Over the counter medicine such as ibuprofen can help manage the pain, but it will not solve the problem. The pain will return once the medicine wears off.
Become familiar with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and in particular what an adult scoliosis patient is entitled to in the workplace. See the Resources section for a link below. This can make living with scoliosis more comfortable, especially in the work environment.