How to Tape Pronated Feet
Pronation is a normal motion that occurs as the foot tilts inward. Overpronation -- flat-footedness -- occurs when the arch of the foot flattens excessively. The condition can cause shin splints and plantar fascitis, which is irritation and swelling of the tissue on the bottom of the feet. You can diagnose overpronation by looking at the wear pattern on the heel areas of your shoes -- they will be worn down on the inside borders, imitating the position of your feet. You can treat overpronation in the long-term with orthotic inserts or in the short-term with athletic tape.Things You'll Need
- Adhesive cover-roll gauze
- Athletic tape
Place one end of the gauze right under your lateral malleolus -- the bone on the outside of your ankle. Loop it down under your heel and up the inside of your leg, ending halfway between your ankle and knee. Do not apply tension to the gauze.
Apply a second piece of gauze, beginning at the same spot on the outside of your ankle. Bring it under your heel and up the inside of your leg, slightly in front of the first piece of gauze.
Tear off a piece of athletic tape that is the same length as the previously applied gauze.
Attach one end of the tape under your lateral malleolus, on top of the gauze. Hold the end of the tape in place with one hand. Pull the other end of the tape with your other hand, adding tension as you bring it under your heel and up the inside of your leg. The tension will support the underside of your foot to reduce pronation. Place a second piece of tape -- with tension -- over the gauze.
Apply one or two strips of tape around your lower leg, approximately 2 inches above your ankle. These strips will anchor the previously applied pieces of tape and prevent them from slipping.