What Is Pseudo Disc Bulging?
Disc Bulging
Disc bulging refers to a type of herniated disc and is classified as the least damaged in a series of four types of injured discs, the most serious being sequestered. Extruded is the second most serious, while the third is a prolapsed disc. Disc bulging occurs as a manifestation of the disc's weakening, resulting in a small bulge on the outer portion of it.
During the first stage, other than the disc bulging, there may not be any symptoms at all. If the disc becomes prolapsed, the bulge is a little larger but remains within the intervertebral wall. The extruded stage involves a gel-like substance leaking outside of the disc, causing pain if colliding with nerves. In the sequestered phase, pain may lessen as the gel becomes completely free of the disc.
Pseudo Disc Bulging
During the natural aging process, bone spurs--bony projections along the bones--develop, discs gradually dry out and surrounding ligaments harden. Nerves may be affected, causing pain. These symptoms parallel those of actual disc bulging.