How to Perform a Scoliosis Posture Check for Your Child
Things You'll Need
- Shorts for your child
- Two-piece bathing suit or shorts and a bra for adolescent girls
- Bright lighting
Crouch down so that you are looking at your child's exposed back with her shoulders at your eye level.
Look for an elevated shoulder on one side compared to the other, a protruding shoulder blade, the head tilting to one side (usually toward the side of the elevated shoulder), or pelvic bones that are uneven in height.
Instruct your child to bend forward at the waist. Look for a "hump" or protrusion of the rib cage on one side. Then have her return to the standing position.
Remain in a crouched position with your child's shoulders at eye level and turn your child around so that you are looking at her breastbone. Look for flattening or a caved-in appearance of the breastbone and protrusion of the lower ribcage on one side. Re-examine for any uneven shoulders, head tilting and pelvic bone unleveling you may have noted in Step 2.
Turn your child to the left so you are looking at her profile. Assess whether the ball of the shoulder appears forward on the rib cage or whether the head appears forward to the body. Other changes that may be noted include a slumping or slouching posture or an increased arch in the lower back.
Turn your child to evaluate the right profile view and repeat step 5.