How to Use Oxandrolone
Things You'll Need
- Oxandrolone
- Journal
- Blood tests
- X-rays
Take oxandrolone at the times of day prescribed by your doctor. Usual doses range from 2.5 to 20 mg daily and are split between two and four daily doses. The condition for which you're taking the steroids will determine the dosage amount and frequency. Write down the times you take your medication in a journal to keep track of your dosage schedule. If you forget a pill, just take the next scheduled dose at the appropriate time.
Drink a full glass of water with your medication, as well as more fluids throughout the day. According to, constipation is a possible side effect of oxandrolone. Hydrate yourself to minimize symptoms. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests drinking up to eight 8 oz. glasses of water every day to prevent constipation.
Follow your regular diet while using oxandrolone. Medline Plus, a service of the National Institutes of Health, explains that the drug is used to help you regain weight if you've lost too much body mass after a long illness or surgery. Maintaining your regular eating patterns while you take oxandrolone can help you put on weight. After a few weeks, you may have gained enough weight to cease taking the medication; your doctor will determine the weight range that's appropriate for you to achieve according to your height and specific medical condition.
Get your cholesterol levels and liver function checked periodically while taking oxandrolone if you have a history of high cholesterol or heart disease in your family, or if you develop symptoms of jaundice, suggests Medline Plus. Anabolic steroids can cause your blood cholesterol levels to rise, and can compromise liver function in some patients. Blood tests can be used to check for these potential problems.
Check the status of normal bone development in children who take oxandrolone as part of androgen therapy. explains that long-term use of the drug can interfere with bone age. X-rays will determine if the drug is hampering normal growth patterns in your child.
Report side effects to your physician. Women may develop facial and body hair, irregular menstruation or a deepening of the voice when taking oxandrolone. People of both genders could experience acne, bone pain, confusion, muscle weakness or depression. Adjusting your dosage may eliminate these side effects. Swelling of the face or mouth, stomach pain, jaundice and an abnormally quick pulse can be signs of an allergic reaction; seek immediate medical help.