Ways to Stop an Unbearable Itch
Dry skin is a common cause of itchy skin and can exacerbate other skin conditions like eczema. Dry skin is caused by weather, frequent hand washing or bathing and low humidity. Keep your skin moisturized by applying lotions daily, or more often if your skin is very dry. For best results, apply lotions and moisturizers after you take a bath or shower.
An over-the-counter anti-itch medication may help to relieve your symptoms. Choose creams that contain at least 1 percent hydrocortizone, recommends Mayo Clinic. Creams containing menthol or calamine may also relieve your symptoms. If your itching is caused by allergies, an oral antihistamine medication, such as Benadryl, may be effective. For excessive itching, your doctor may prescribe a medicated cream.
Cool Off
Itchy skin may feel hot and inflamed. Cool off by taking a cool bath or shower when your skin is itching. Add baking soda to the bath water or purchase a bath additive containing colloidal oatmeal. Avoid perfumed bath oils and soaps, as these may worsen your condition. As an alternative, apply cool compresses to your skin during the day when a bath is not an option.
Things to Avoid
Avoid washing your clothes in strong detergents or using heavily perfumed softeners which may irritate already itchy skin. If your itchy skin is due to dryness, take shorter showers and avoid using hot water. Wear gloves when washing dishes and cleaning if your hands are itching and irritated. Wool, harsh chemicals and make-up may all cause or exacerbate itchy skin, so use care. If your itchy skin is due to an allergic reaction, try to avoid the animal dander or foods that may cause a flare-up.